Today's blog topic is about making the most of what you have, and to take action to live the life you yearn for. 

As I'm slowly moving past my mid 20's, I'm coming to the daunting realization that life moves faaaaaaast. Seriously, it was just January, like yesterday. 

Remember those days in elementary school, when our 3 month summer breaks felt like an eternity? Family gatherings felt like forever, and you just couldn't wait to go home and talk to your friends online. 

When did things change? 

As an adult, your routine is pretty much the same everyday—with the occasional highlight when you meet with your friends or family on the weekend. Or when you take a spontaneous trip abroad "just to feel something" (lol guilty as I'm writing this in Bali) 

But does it have to be this way? 

I recently lost my grandfather while I was away from home.

Days leading up to him moving to a better place, my family and I talked a lot about the past. 

My grandma said, "You know that time you brought us on a ferry to go to the island? He said it was the best memory and experience he's ever had in the last 20 years." 


To me, that was a super casual day trip to an island around 2ish hours away from our hometown. To be frank, it really isn't something that "special" in my eyes—you can even say it's a little boring and I wouldn't disagree. 

July 27, 2019 - I decided to bring them on a mini trip because I had free time to spare that day. Going to the island that day was barely anything to me, but it meant everything to them. 

How lucky and privileged are we to be able to do things on a "whim" just because we can

Wanna take a day trip to the island? Sure. 

Wanna move across the world spontaneously? Sure.

Wanna go watch an outdoor movie at a park? Sure.

Wanna buy your 3rd (very unnecessary) sweatsuit just because you can "never have enough?" Sure.......... 

Even when my grandpa's condition was deteriorating, that trip was never forgotten and would always bring a smile to his face.

I'm writing this because most of us spend our days living our mundane "adult" lives—working a 9-5, going to university, starting a business, whatever. I used to be that person who would say "I'm too busy right now" but I've realized that life is actually pretty f*cking short. 

We're always looking at the future—chasing our dreams for the future, working for the future, saving money for the future, future, future, future.... 

Gather as many experiences as you can, while you can. Do what you've always wanted to do. Make a life bucket list and take effort to check those items off. 

You never know you're in the good days until they've passed. And when you realize, it may already be too late. 


  • Pippa

    So inspirational❤️love reading everyone’s thoughts and advice

  • Emily

    Hi Judy! I’m actually reading this during my 8-5 work and you made some good points! I find it super hard nowadays to make plans and balance work and social life with friends and family. I feel guilty for not seeing my family and friends more and I constantly beat myself over it. At the same time, my “mundane” job has drained me so much even though I have only worked three months and graduated this year in May and it takes more for me to go out and see other people. I’m still working on balancing my life and this has helped me realize that I should start initiating and saying yes more!

  • Daisy

    JUDY!! I’m so sorry for your loss.. especially when you’re on a trip and can’t be with your grandpa. Keep inspiring and keep chasing your dream whatever it may be now. Thank you for always reminding others to never give up. You’re so inspirational to those behind screens and closed doors. Love you Judy.

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